Welcome 2 Clay
Welcome to my online clay place!
This page acts as something like a timeline, scroll down to see where we're at.
Each box is a unit, projects are turned in to the Unit Archive.
Elements & Principles
Thumbnail Sketching
Brainstorming with TimSee
Great Clayucational Sources-
Here is the link to the Projects Archive.
This is where you will turn in a photo of each project.
Slides are in order by period/hour, find your class and put your name on a Slide; add photo upon completion of each project!
Course Project Outline:
Unit 1:
Stamp Making- Carved Initials
Students will plan, shape, and carve their initials into clay making a tool which they will USE sign their pottery.
Part 1
Project Videos:
Stamp Making- 3D Design
Students will learn 3D softwares to design and produce an
object via 3D printers.
Project Videos:
Bonus! If you'd like...
Part 2
Unit 2:
Students will learn how to use the slab roller & prep slabbed clay.
Students will then learn how to “pull” a handle and attach it to their cylinder body to make a mug form.
Project Video Demos:
-Seamless Joint
Press Mold BOWL
Students will learn how to use the slab roller & prep slabbed clay.
Students will then learn how to “pull” a handle and attach it to their cylinder body to make a mug form.
Project Video Demos:
Other Info/Inspo!
Unit 4:
Glaze is a clay blend, more similar to glass than clay, which is added to the surface of a (bisque fired) constructed form, fired in the kiln, and fused to the form.
Unit 3:
Students will use a "pre-formed bowl" as a mold to form the two halves of their TeaPot.
Students will Collect the many parts needed to then Assemble their TeaPot.
TeaPot Rubric
Press Mold TeaPot BODY Videos:
TeaPot Lid Videos:
2. ASSEMBLE Flange Lid
Didn't make these yet....
*See worksheet!
Unit 5:
-Students will construct artworks using a specific RAKU clay body (High Grog) to make work for the RAKU firing process.
-Students will use subtractive & additive techniques in forming their work for this piece.
Project Videos:
Unit 6:
Coil Pot- Historic Form
After looking at examples of historical pottery, students will research & choose a dynamic form to use as inspiration and reference in building a Coil Pot.
Clay Sources in the Chicagoland Area!
In our studio, here at Sandburg, we use
Standard Clay, white stoneware, #240, ^6
We purchase our clay from:
This is my buddy Carl Mankert who does our equipment repair. He's a great resource for answering general clay questions, making connections to people and equipment, and generally knows everything!