Sandburg high school has various artworks around it's campus, and is working towards creating and beautifying its campus and creating an exciting and engaging environment!
2024- Andrew Clark Pottery
-Location: LINK Hallway display case.
2023- Jim Matiya Photograph
-Location: TBD
-Jim is retired from Sandburg, but continues to be an Eagle

2022- Steven Hill Pottery
-Location: LINK Hallway display case.
2017: "Treeagle," created by Beautification Committee, In Progress...
-Located inside the main entrance
2014- "Swimming Mural Panels," created by "Art Club"
-Location: Pool
19??- "Climbing Wall,"
-Located in the Blue Gym Mural,
19??- "Sports Mural,"
-Located in the Gold Gym Mural,
197?: Richard Hunt, "Slabs of the Sunburnt West"
-Located in the PAC foyer balcony, gift from the class of 1984
-The Richard Hunt sculpture below is based on a poem by Carl Sandburg title and links above.
-The "Slabs of the Sunburnt West" sculpture is one of a series of sculptures produced by Hunt, this piece and others might be "mock-ups" as the artist worked toward construction the larger piece that was installed on the UIC campus.
19??- "South Courtyard Sculpture,"
-Located in the South courtyard,